
Heal Emotional Wounds with EPC



(I have  posted this more than once.  I’m doing it again for me and anyone else who needs it.)

There are wounds that do not heal with time. Instead they start hurting again given certain “weather conditions.”      (Sun trine Chiron,” Astrodienst)

While some people prefer to “just forget about it,” truth is, until we deal with a hurtful situation suffered with another person, anytime we experience a similar situation—when the “weather condition” is similar—that old pain will resurface.  I’ve already mentioned how futile it is to wait for an apology (see “Why Don’t They Apologize?”). Even though some people simply don’t have the skills or awareness level for the kind of communication required to “clear the air” there are ways to do it without their participation. Today we’ll look at one.

When I was training to be an Alchemical Hypnotherapist in 1991 with founder David Quigley, I learned about “EPC.”  Ethereal Plane Communication (EPC) takes advantage of the fact that we are, indeed, all connected—whether we know it or not.  In the ‘60s, people used to talk about “vibes”—a sort of extra-sensory perception where one could feel things about people, places, things.  That’s a similar notion.

You’ve probably also had a feeling that someone was thinking about you.  Or maybe you were thinking about them and then your phone rang, and it was that same person calling you!  Maybe you’ve privately expressed feelings for another and, somehow, the next time you were together, their behavior seemed to reflect that they “got it.”  With me so far?

What is EPC?

EPC is a conscious way to communicate with someone you could not communicate with in person because they simply are not available.  It doesn’t matter why they aren’t available.  Perhaps they are no longer on the physical plane.  Or maybe they are doing research in the South Pole and there’s no way you can contact them.  Or maybe they simply are “inaccessible,” not available for the kind of “clearing” discussion you want to have—for whatever reason.

Advantages of EPC over 3-D Communication

  • Release anger, grief, etc. without harming the other person or yourself
  • Bypass the other person’s conscious resistance to communication
  • Distance and death are no obstacle

So how does it work?  Four easy steps:

Step 1

Simply close your eyes and visualize the person with whom there is discord.

Step 2

You can speak freely, say what is in your heart, trusting that God/All-That-Is/The Force—however you understand the fabric of which we all are made—will translate the message, ensuring that it is from your Higher Self to theirs.

Step 3

Then listen for their response.  Yes, both parties get an opportunity to express themselves.  Still picturing that person in your mind’s eye, sit quietly until you “get” their response—whether it is verbal, or a feeling doesn’t matter.

Step 4

Continue the dialogue, back and forth, until you feel “complete.” Don’t worry, you’ll know.

Your turn!

Have you used EPC or something similar?  How did it work for you?  If not, please try it and share your experience.

[Article, copyrighted by Dr. Pam Young.]

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