Rethinking the Law of Attraction

Book Cover Law of Attraction

In Rethinking the Law of Attraction, P.R. Young reveals how to get what you want more often with a deeper understanding of how you create your life.

Rethinking the Law of Attraction is for everyone who has tried using modern-day formulas for “getting what you want” but hasn’t experienced the kind of success hoped for. Confusion about the law of attraction includes where it comes from, how to use it and contradictory definitions offered in these modern-day formulas. In Re-thinking the Law of Attraction, readers are invited to discover the truth for themselves by following along on the author’s journey as she develops a brief historical perspective of LoA and reveals the core concept underlying conscious co-creation sans mystery or hype. She identifies reasons why people fail and offers advice and maps to success from current to ancient texts. She also shares decades of experience as teacher and counselor in guiding others to achieve their goals.

While realizing we must discover for ourselves the mystical aspects of life, Young nevertheless boldly invites the reader to share her personally transforming dance in re-thinking historical concepts and applications of the law of attraction, because, she says, “If everyone actually understood it, the world would be a better place.”

[Warning: While the style is casual (and occasionally winks with humor) and the pages relatively few, the content is dense and deep and requires thinking. Be forewarned that this is not another quick formula for getting everything you want. Like the author, readers could find themselves re-reading more than once.]

What readers are saying:

“Love the scholarly approach!”

“Really enjoyed the subtle humor!”

“Your book led me to question myself. I really hadn’t done this.”

“I see now that I was making it much harder to access the Law of Attraction than necessary.”

“Loved reading it. It really is applying to my life now.”

“You have helped me to understand and to accept the Law of Attraction.”

“I loved seeing the comparisons between authors and their mindsets.”

“You covered an immense amount of ground in a few pages.”

“The final chapter is a bright, shining white light of positive energy!”

Get your  copy now:

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Recorded talks:

Shortly after the book was published, Dr. Young shared the transforming insight she’d gained from doing the study with the members of the metaphysical church who had completed her survey. Armed with Puffs and cough drops, she gave the scheduled talk despite having been sick for days because the preacher assured her no one believed they would catch whatever she had. You can listen to the brief talk here:

01/4/2015 talk at Fellowship of Spirit church in Farmington, NM:    Click Here

And a radio interview by Cyrus Webb here:     Click here

2 responses to “Rethinking the Law of Attraction

  1. Pingback: Christmas: A Time to Contemplate Beliefs | skatingthru2012

  2. Pingback: New Year: A Time to Contemplate Beliefs | skatingthru2012

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